The handing over ceremony was witnessed by OUTGOING Secretary Mr. Peter Kinuthia Thuku EBS and Director of Administration Mr. Jeremiah Were. We thank Mr. Peter Thuku for his leadership whilst at NSC and by extension his stewardship to the larger peace and security sector. Best wishes on his future endeavors.
The INCOMING Secretary Mr. Jacob Namulen. MBS assured delivery of the new administration Peace Agenda. He reiterated the need to improve on the existing collaborative partnerships with both state and Non-state actors with regards to Peace and Security.
Ongoing validation of the 2 products, Communication and Resource Mobilization Strategies and further develop an implementation Plan for UWIANO Strategy on election preparedness. The meeting will also deliberate on the Peacebuilding Fund as a resource basket to support UWIANO interventions.
On 16th February,2022. National Steering Committee on Peace Building and Conflict Management (NSC-PBCM) in partnership with UNDP, UN WOMEN, NCIC, IEBC, CoG, IRCK, Peace-Net, MCK, Safer- World, Mercy-Corps, SRIC, KNFP, held UWIANO Principals Physical Meeting at Panafric Hotel, Nairobi. The conference was to re-energize UWIANO PLATFORM FOR PEACE on promoting peaceful co-existence ahead of the 2022 General Election.